Thursday, October 13, 2011

A Jerk, Bones, and an Ostrich, In That Order

So I've decided to take a break from the usual funny, unique experience I usually convey in my notes because I was witness to a situation that I can't ignore. It was after the brother-sister dorm bonfire at the Carson's when I get a text from Jessica inviting me to go to the Tilley Student Center with her and Lauren. Of course, I agreed to go. After scarfing down my Spaghettios, I sprinted down the stairs and headed toward the tunnel which connected Campus East to Main Campus.

I knew they were waiting in front of DeMoss, so I ran on and off until they were in my sight. I joined them, and we made our way to the Tilley. Upon arrival, we saw Pete and headed over, taking a seat at bar-like area. His friends came over, we'll call them Frank and Joe because I don't remember their names. Immediately, Frank began to make fun of some girl from Jessica and Lauren's old dorm. Lauren turned to me and told me that he was taking it too far. Regardless, I could barely make out what he was saying.

Minutes passed and Frank began to poke fun at individuals. I could see Lauren biting her tongue.

Suddenly, he said, "Wanna hear something funny?" He looked at Lauren. "You're mad."

"No I'm not," she nonchalantly replied.

"You know I didn't mean those things I said about your old roommate," he said.

"Yes, you did, but go on," she stated calmly.

He proceeded to talk about this guy who he thought was hilarious. His name was Bones. Coincidentally, he just so happened to be in the proximity. Frank retrieved him, and he introduced himself to us as Bones. Bones seemed to have some sort of skeletal deformity. It seemed that his skin was saran-wrapped to his structure, and one side of his chest popped out in an awkward manner.

Frank told all of us how Bones was gonna be a stand-up comedian because he's so clever or whatever; as Bones began to tell some jokes, Frank and Pete laughed, but Lauren, Jessica, Joe, and I didn't laugh. There was nothing funny about these jokes at all. It was here that I sensed the Frank was using Bones for entertainment at Bones's expense. I let it go, but the more I thought about it, the more frustrated I grew.

Somehow, ostriches came into the conversation, and Frank looks over to Bones and says, "Bones, you're a funny guy; I bet you can do a great impression of an ostrich." He did the impression and embarrassed himself (at least I thought so). The guys doubled over in laughter. I looked at Lauren with the face that writes "these guys are jerks."

I grabbed our trash and left the table because I needed to get away from the table, from Frank, the puppet master. After I tossed the garbage and returned to the table, Frank and Joe had left. I was fully relieved.

I think that Bones saw value in the fact that someone thought he was funny and wanted him to hang out. I don't know if he was socially insecure, but I don't think that anyone should have to be subject to such treatment. I regret not sticking up for him and saying something. I know not everyone at a Christian university is gonna act like a Christian, but that's no excuse in my book.

The events, people, and places in this story are all true.

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