Monday, October 17, 2011

Oh, Friend of Mine, Where Art Thou?!

It was a normal day in convocation. Jessica sat the right in the seat beside me and Derek to my left. Before the service started we were talking about the usual nonsense: school, funny stories, funny people, and the like. For weeks in convo, Jessica and I have been watching these two guys who seem to be the best of friends. Code names: Timon and Pumba. On one occasion, Jessica and I have made eye contact with these familiar strangers, and one occasion soon became two; and two developed into three. Are we the victims of their people watching as well? Ironic...

Timon was a short guy with a goatee whose facial features resembled that of a meerkat, if I were to pick an animal. His main characteristic is reserved; he doesn't really seem to talk to anyone in his section other than Pumba. But the main thing that I notice about him is when he sings. His eyes are sealed shut revealing defining creases and the corners of his mouth point downward. Timon's face flares the emotion of the intense pain that would remind one of kidney stones or chrones disease.

Pumba, on the other hand, was a burly fellow with a full beard, big hands, and hairy arms. He, like Timon, doesn't seem to talk to anyone other than is dear friend. Unlike Timon, however, he appears to be angry while he sings. By his actions during worship, it is clear that he seeks intimacy with the Lord.

Every convocation, Timon meets Pumba in the usual spot, a little farther up than Jessica and I sit in the section to the left. Pumba will have seats saved and, upon the arrival of his companion, will stand up and give him a huge bear hug, a high five, do knucks (that's "pound it", "daps", etc...), or something of that nature. Smiles will run across their faces from ear to ear, and it is obvious that they are enjoying each other's company, a truly heartwarming sight.

One gloomy day, Timon dragged himself into convocation with a fog looming over him. He walks up the stairs passed Jessica and me in search of his confidant. Jessica and I knew what he was doing and also began to scale the rows looking for Pumba, but he was nowhere to be found. I could see that the weight of his heart increased ten-fold when he knew that he would be by himself today. He looked down, a sign of misery and woe, and trudged up the steps to take a lonely seat on the edge.

Timon, Jessica and I are truly sorry for your upsetting turn of events and hope that during the next day at convocation, you'll be reunited with your pal, buddy, companion, confidant, and friend.

Timon and Pumba are actual people and do exist. Jessica and I people watch, and the eye contact was indeed awkward all three times.

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