Monday, October 17, 2011

Oh, Friend of Mine, Where Art Thou?! Pt. 2

So it has come to Jessica and my recent attention that Timon and Pumba are no longer paired together like they used to be. It seems Pumba has gone astray, and taking with him the heartwarming smiles, hugs, and friendly mannerisms that he used to make those around him feel loved. Poor poor Timon, feeling helpless without the affection of his best friend, scaled the aisles helplessly in search of someone to share good times with.

It was one fateful day that he stumbled upon his friend, whom Jessica and I have named Little Brother. The name Little Brother makes sense because he ever so slightly resembles the puppy on Mulan who, in essence, is Little Brother. Anyway, the first time we had spied Little Brother, he was sitting on the end in the row in front of Timon. Timon was fighting the urge inside himself to fall asleep; he was nodding off consistently like he was watching a professional athlete twirl on a trampoline, and I was glancing over to see if he had indeed fallen asleep. He was gone --- gone in a world of comfort and relaxation, though I highly doubt the hunched over position he snoozed in was relaxing at all.

But as I peered over to get a quick look at our friend, Little Brother, whose gaze was fixed upon my profile. Great! Now he thinks that I'm looking at him. We might as well add him to the list, and here we are today talking about the finding of Little Brother.

And it came to pass that the next day in convo, the two of them met. Timon smiled gleefully, but his vessel was empty, the expression of happiness was not in his grin. It seemed like deep down he was sad, wishing thoroughly that his old companion were there to fill the void that was desperate for his affection. Little Brother and Timon go through pretty much the same routine as when Pumba was around, minus the hug. There are some high fives, knucks, exchanging of words and smiles.

But the real question is: Where did Pumba disappear to? Did he and Timon get in a spat or was Pumba disposed of...? The world may never know.

Little Brother is indeed someone who exists and has taken the place of Pumba, though not in the heart of Timon (so it seems).

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